Not having your car is usually the most frustrating part of having an accident. Losing your car because it was damaged or totaled can keep you from work, from school and from doing all the things you need to in your life. At Johnson Injury Law, we understand and empathize with your situation, which is why we also offer help with car repairs and rentals after getting in an accident.
We can help you get your car repaired or replaced quickly, and best of all THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICES TO HELP YOU! As long as you are our personal injury client, we will help you take care of all of your property damages for your car as quickly as possible. And if you need a rental car, we will help you make the arrangements to get it as soon as possible.
We also will help you with the diminished value of your car after it has been damaged. The insurance company will not take into account the loss of value of your car because it has been in a wreck. We fight for your rights to get the maximum value for your car that you deserve. When it comes to car repairs and rentals, Johnson Injury Law can provide you the assistance you need at a time of crisis.
Don’t be frustrated because of your car. Call us today and we will help you get it resolved ASAP!
At Johnson Injury Law, we understand that individuals suffering a personal injury may suffer from a variety of serious injuries such as broken bones, burns, serious internal injuries, and even brain and spine trauma. Using our commitment of service, compassion, experience and integrity, our attorneys will protect your legal rights and help to get you the resources you need to continue living your life.
Getting help with car repairs and rentals can take a significant weight off of your shoulders, so don’t hesitate to ask for our assistance. If you live in Phoenix, Mesa, or anywhere in Arizona, and have need for an personal injury attorney or a medical malpractice attorney, contact Johnson Injury Law. Our lawyers will fight hard to get you the compensation you deserve.